Mergers, Acquisition & Investment

Organisational change is an incredibly exciting time in any organisation. Not just for Founders and CEOs, but the entire organisation. A time of renewed energy and intense pace.

In this guide we look at the impact of mergers, acquisitions and investments on employee engagement.

We’ve grouped these “transactions” together because they tend to be a time of intense focus and change in a business. A time where employee engagement, performance and retention of talent is absolutely key - but when it can be easy to see it take a hit.

A merger, acquisition or significant investment can be a time where an incredible amount of hard work cumulates. The start of a new beginning, recognition of success in the past.

For employees, it can also be a time of uncertainty and change. Employees can easily lose their place in a much bigger or rapidly changing organisation. Transaction events can be a time where your best talent re-evaluate their options and become very vulnerable to leaving, or being poached.

During this time, it really pays dividends to stay close to employees, ensuring that you understand what they are experiencing and how engagement levels are being impacted. It really can make the difference between retaining your key talent, or not.

In this guide we’ll share with you some of our experience and ideas on how you can maximise success at these critical times.

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